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You may have heard in the news that the new Data Protection Bill and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has meant a change in the laws regarding data protection in the UK. As a result, we wanted to let you how we use your personal data, what your rights are with regards to your data, and to ensure that you are still happy for us to contact you in the future about marketing, spellings, letting you properties.

We value your business as a customer, and we’d like to continue our relationship with you. Therefore, we’d like to contact you as you approach the end of your existing product to assist you with your future sale or letting of your home.
To update us about how you would like us to contact you please CLICK HERE 

If you do NOT wish us to contact you in the future to assist you with finding a new home, let or management service please  CLICK HERE

Under the new data protection laws, from the 25th May 2018 companies that use your personal data need to provide clear information on the following:- 

•   Your increased rights in relation to the information held about you

•   The types of data collected, how it is used and how long it will be kept for 

•  The legal grounds for how your data is used 

These companies must keep your data secure and employ secure systems to keep data safe while processing it.

ADM Residential have produced a privacy notice to provide the above information. You can click here to see an explanation about how we use personal data. From 25th May 2018 this information will also be found in the Privacy section of the  ADM Residential website.

At ADM Residential Estate Agents we take data protection very seriously so you can be reassured that the information we have about you is in good hands.  

If you have any questions, please call ADM Residential on Tel 01484-644555 or email

Many thanks
ADM Residential

"I have bought several properties for buy to let through ADM and have to say after dealing with some of the bigger agencies in Huddersfield they are the outstanding agent when it comes to service. Efficeint and tenacious in following up and chasing through the sales, and most importantly they seem to care, a rarity for estate agents! On a personal note I also sold my own property within 4 days with the help of Aleatha, Danielle and Sarah at a great price. Many thanks and keep up the good work."